Let me just start by saying that everything that my boys do makes me a proud mom. But tonight showed me that I am definitely raising them right.
I always have the boys help out around the house. I make them pick up their toys when they are done playing. They clear their own dishes from the table. They put away their own socks and underwear. Things I know a 3 and 5 year old can handle.
Tonight I was down checking my email. The boys were downstairs playing. Sam wanted something to drink. Colby said, "Don't worry, Mom, I can get it." Now Colby is almost 6 and he is always wanting to show how big he is. So I said okay.
I hear all of this ruckus going on upstairs. I call up, "Everything going okay?" "We're fine, Mom!"
The noises of clanking glasses and cupboard doors continue. "Are you sure??!!" "Yes!"
After a few more noises, I decide to go investigate.... both boys are in the kitchen working on a puzzle. Sam has his juice cup in hand. Nothing looks to be in disarray.
After I put the boys to bed, I decide I should unload the clean dishes and reload the dishwasher with the supper dishes. I walked up to the sink...only to find it empty. What??!!
I open the dishwasher. It is empty with the exception of the supper dishes.
I walk into Colby's room. "Colb, did you unload and reload the dishwasher?" "Yeah...I thought it would be a nice surprise."
I hugged and kissed him. "It was. It was a VERY nice surprise!"
My future daughter-in-laws will thank me some day...for now I am just a proud mom. :)
8 months ago
Oh! That brought tears to my eyes. Those are great kids!