
Thursday, March 10, 2011

And for this, I am thankful

I know I complain sometimes...
but I shouldn't.

I have a family...
a family that extends way beyond bloodlines.

I have friends...
friends that get my quirky nature and love me for it... and that I consider family.

I have my children...
who allow me to fulfill my childhood dream on a daily basis and make my life complete.

I am healthy...
I don't have the scare of facing a doctor on a weekly basis telling me my days are numbered.

I have a job...
a job that even though the majority of the world tells me they could never do, I love it!

I have a home...
not just a roof over my head, but a home, a place that I enjoy coming to, a place of security and comfort.

I have faith...
that has sustained me through many trials and tribulations and even though I sometimes feel alone... I truly know I am not.

I know I complain sometimes...
but I shouldn't...
for I have much  more to be thankful for than I have to complain about...
and for this, I am thankful.

What are you thankful for?

Intentional Happiness
Intentional Happiness
What makes you happy??

1 comment:

I LOVE to hear what your thoughts are on my leave me a comment. Tell me what's on your mind!